
Friday 17 June 2011

Harry Potter 7.5!

Check out the first trailer of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two! Looks totally great, can't wait for the conclusion!

Film is released on 15 July in the UK on IMAX!

X Men: First Class Review!

So recently I went to see X-Men: First Class. I’ll try to sum up a small review in my introduction that doesn’t contain any spoilers. What’s good about it? Well it plays well with history, without coming off as a history lesson. The movie moves very well, (extremely fast at some points), and the special effects are amazing. Over all it is very entertaining and doesn’t feel like two hours. What’s bad? Nothing drastic, but as a prequel to the original trilogy, there are some continuity errors. It also does not go straight off the comics, so if you’re a comic book fan, don’t expect a certain issue number on screen.

Right, now onto my full detailed review. Firstly, the film moves very quickly. The first half moves so fast, that it does seem a little difficult to keep up. Although, this isn’t specifically a bad thing. They managed to cram in a lot of detail and plot into a 2 hour film that actually works and fits. The 3rd quarter slows down a little, and we get to know the characters a lot more and there are some cool funny scenes of the X Men training. The last quarter becomes very intense and political, yet full of action pact scenes. It’s basically an action movie with a lot of historical, political and social depth to it, which makes X men all the better.

As you have probably heard, Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy’s onscreen connection is what makes the film what it is. It’s an origin story of Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr friendship, and there ultimate separation. It can be a little difficult to accept this ‘close’ relationship of theirs as real at times. As mentioned before, because the movie moves so fast, it feels almost as they have known each other for about 2 weeks. If we played out the film to match a calendar, I’m sure their friendship will span over a months.

Anyway, back to the point, what makes the films storyline so compelling is that these two men have so much in common, they both want the same thing, yet they both want to go about it in two different methods. There is Professor X, an intelligent and powerful telepath who wants acceptance and equality for mutants, but by a movement of humans themselves. Whereas Magneto is some sort of extremist/terrorist who wants mutants to become the higher society on earth.
Michael Fassbender undoubtedly gives a fantastic performance. He gives the character this bond type of dimension, yet we know that his goals are evil. He starts out as a hit man, yet we can’t help but put in a “whey” when he kills the ex Nazi’s. He provides the perfect compilation of anger, sadness, grief and hatred that makes Magneto one of the most interesting aspects to the X Men series ever.

James McAvoy managed to give a good performance, but he becomes overshadowed by Fassbender. In personal opinion, he gives an average to good performance. Nothing spectacular, but yes he does work very well with Fassbender. McAvoy along with the filmmakers portray Xavier as some type of intelligent calm, yet wild and young genius. It doesn’t go to well with Patrick Stewart’s performance of Xavier.
Another highlight of the cast was Jennifer Lawrence as Raven Darkholme/Mystique. Lawrence offered a witty confident and proud little character. She has different personality traits, and it’s great to see Mystique have some background story to her, as well as some sort of personality, rather than her snake like, personality lacking mutant.
The supporting cast aren’t given any major screen time, but it isn’t really needed. As much as the title is ‘First Class’ and the trailers would have us to believe it was about the formation of the X Men, it is more of the friendship of Magneto and Charles. It was a wise choice to give little prominence to the youngsters, as we don’t want another X-3 on our hands. They all have their individual quirky mutant powers which are a visual treat for the eyes.

On to our villain, Sebastian Shaw. Kevin Bacon was quite entertaining in his role. He fulfilled his duties well. The character comes across as a sort of big boss villain, even though he is potentially one of the most powerful mutants there. Would have been nice to see him not rely as much on his henchman. His two other henchman, Azeazal and Riptide, have extremely cool action packed scenes, but no lines. Their roles don’t really contribute anything to the storylines other than killing a shit load of humans.

Now we have January Jones as Emma Frost. This one is quite frustrating. Jones doesn’t particularly shine her acting talents in the film. While I shall not accuse her of her talents, I genuinely believe that she just didn’t hit that spot for the character. The character herself was a very interesting character, Shaw’s ‘associate’. If I saw a sequel happening, would I want to see Jones back again? Yes, I would. I feel that a huge potential was there with Emma Frost, but they just missed it.

Last but not least is the comic history. The film does not follow strictly to the comics. Yes the original line up isn’t ‘First Class’s’ line up, and yes the whole storyline isn’t what you would find in the comics. Although, I wouldn’t let that stop you from going to see it. First Class offers valuable entertainment using historical events, which, doesn’t come off as a history lesson.

Pop Culture Rocks rating: 4/5 stars.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Site Update.

Things are going pretty slow with the site, only because I am very busy at the moment focusing on these stupid A-levels. Anyway, I saw X-Men: First Class last week and I have a half finished review currently on my desktop. Soon as this exam is over, my first self review shall be posted! Probably Thursday. For anyone that is reading this, current failure of a blog, I shall be posting a LOT more soon!